Judeo-Christian Roots: New Testament

Click title for text information
Topic Homework Lectures
1) Apocrypha Don’t Know Much About The Bible (text),
pp.319-320 Political history
2) N.T. Introduction Text, pp.329-335 Religious scene
3) Authorship Text, pp.335-339 M,Mark,Q,&L
4) Gospels Text, pp.339-345
5) The Birth Text, pp.347-357
6) The Birth II Text, pp.357-366
7) John the Baptist Text, pp.366-370
8) Disciples Text, pp.370-373
9) Sermon on the Mount Text, pp.374-382 New Ethic
10) Women Text, pp.384-386
11) Parables Text, pp.387-392
12 Parables lost sheep – Mtt.18:12-14
lost coin – Lk.15:8-10
prodigal – Lk.15:11-32
sowers – Mtt.13:3-23
C.B. Marshall parables xerox
13) Parables marriage feast – Mtt.22:1-14
talents – Mtt.25:14-30
vineyard – Mtt.20:1-16
14) Parables good Samaritan – Lk.10:25-37
eye of needle – Lk.18:18-27
taxes – Mtt.22:15-22
15) Jews Text, pp.392-396
16) Miracles Text, pp.396-400 Miracles
17) Last Supper Text, pp.403-406
18) Crucifixion Text, pp.406-410
19) Resurrection Text, pp.410-416
20) The Acts Text, pp.420-427 Acts lecture
Peter lecture
Paul’s trips
21) Paul Text, pp.427-432 Paul’s Theology
22) Epistles Text, pp.435-438, 440,442-443
23) Revelation Text, pp.459-464
24) Coda Text, pp.467-473
Online Resources
“Whatsoever Things Are True” Father Marchl’s links and blog