Whatsoever Things Are True

A Resource for Theology, Bible Study, and Devotion


Judeo-Christian Roots: New Testament

Click title for text information

Topic Homework Lectures

1) Apocrypha Don’t Know Much About The Bible (text),
pp.319-320 Political history

2) N.T. Introduction Text, pp.329-335 Religious scene

3) Authorship Text, pp.335-339 M,Mark,Q,&L

4) Gospels Text, pp.339-345

5) The Birth Text, pp.347-357

6) The Birth II Text, pp.357-366

7) John the Baptist Text, pp.366-370

8) Disciples Text, pp.370-373

9) Sermon on the Mount Text, pp.374-382 New Ethic

10) Women Text, pp.384-386

11) Parables Text, pp.387-392

12 Parables lost sheep – Mtt.18:12-14
lost coin – Lk.15:8-10
prodigal – Lk.15:11-32
sowers – Mtt.13:3-23
C.B. Marshall parables xerox

13) Parables marriage feast – Mtt.22:1-14
talents – Mtt.25:14-30
vineyard – Mtt.20:1-16

14) Parables good Samaritan – Lk.10:25-37
eye of needle – Lk.18:18-27
taxes – Mtt.22:15-22

15) Jews Text, pp.392-396

16) Miracles Text, pp.396-400 Miracles

17) Last Supper Text, pp.403-406

18) Crucifixion Text, pp.406-410

19) Resurrection Text, pp.410-416

20) The Acts Text, pp.420-427 Acts lecture
Peter lecture
Paul’s trips

21) Paul Text, pp.427-432 Paul’s Theology

22) Epistles Text, pp.435-438, 440,442-443

23) Revelation Text, pp.459-464

24) Coda Text, pp.467-473

Online Resources
“Whatsoever Things Are True” Father Marchl’s links and blog


"The Lost Tools of Learning" by Dorothy Sayers


"This reminds me of the grammar of Theology. I shall add it to the curriculum, because theology is the mistress-science without which the whole educational structure will necessarily lack its final synthesis. Those who disagree about this will remain content to leave their pupil's education still full of loose ends. This will matter rather less than it might, since by the time that the tools of learning have been forged the student will be able to tackle theology for himself, and will probably insist upon doing so and making sense of it. Still, it is as well to have this matter also handy and ready for the reason to work upon. At the grammatical age, therefore, we should become acquainted with the story of God and Man in outline--i.e., the Old and New Testaments presented as parts of a single narrative of Creation, Rebellion, and Redemption--and also with the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments. At this early stage, it does not matter nearly so much that these things should be fully understood as that they should be known and remembered."