Judeo-Christian Roots

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1. Introduction Diagnostic test
Don’t Know Much About The Bible, Kenneth C. Davis Intro.+perspectives: introduction
2. Introduction text pp.3-23 Oral tradition and authorship
3. Introduction text pp.23-33 Presuppositions English Bible xerox
4. Introduction U.S. News & World Report Exegesis
5. Creation Genesis 1&2; text pp.35-46
6. Creation text pp.46-51 Myth and etiologies
7. The Fall Gen.3; text pp.52-56
8. Cain & Abel Gen.4; text pp.56-59
9. The Flood Gen.6-9; text pp.59-66
10. Babel Gen.11:1-9; text pp.66-68
11. Abram patriarchal xerox; “Leap of Faith”
“Legacy of Abraham” xerox
12. Abraham/Isaac text pp.68-80 Isaac lecture
13. Jacob text pp.80-85 eponyms, birthright
14. Joseph “The Joseph Strategy” Xerox
text pp.85-94
15. Exodus text pp.95-100 Moses’ religion
16. Passover Exodus 12,
text pp.100-104, 108-110 miracles, signs
17. Decalogue, covenant code text pp.111-124 YHWH worship
18. Wilderness text pp.137-142 golden calf
19. Conquest text pp.147-153 Canaanite culture
Joshua conquest
perspectives on settlement
20. Judges text pp.161-168 Judges conquest
21. Ruth text pp.168-170
22. Samuel/Saul text pp.173-176 Saul summary
23. David text pp.176-184 David: pros & cons
24. Solomon text pp.189-196
25. History/exile text pp.196-205, 212-214
26. Amos/Hosea text pp.219-223 prophecy intro.
27. Isaiah text pp.223-228
28. Post-exile text pp.237-244
29. Ezekiel text pp.248-251
30. Jonah Jonah, text pp.258-259
31. Job text pp.267-272 Wisdom Literature
32. Psalms (Wisdom) text pp.275-283
33. Proverbs (Wisdom) text pp.285-293
34. Ecclesiastes (Wisdom) text pp.295-300
35. Song of Solomon (Wisdom) text pp.301-307
Online Resources
“Whatsoever Things Are True” Father Marchl’s links blog
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